I'm way overdue on this. The longer I wait the more overwhelming it seems, even though it only takes a few minutes. So I'm biting the bullet and doing it now. Let's see what we've got, shall we? Wow, I'm more behind than I thought! I need to do March, April and May. My how the time flies! Let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start).
March Goal Update
Walk/run goal: I did 22 miles, which is low for me, but I was packing and moving, so...
Books: I read two books. (Lincoln At Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America and The Jane Austen Book Club) Again, low, but I was very busy.
April Goal Update
Walk/run goal: 20.75 miles done. Exhaustion and lack of time are the cause of that one.
Books: One lonely book, and not a book book, more quick read, illustrated fairy tale thing (Fairy Tales for Angry Little Girls). No real books at all, which doesn't happen all that often, but when I'm super busy and tired and have what seems like a billion magazines piled up, this is the result.
Oh well. I read a lot of magazines. I unpacked and settled into my new home. I participated in the Easter Choir at church, which was such a blessing. It was a busy, but very good, month.
May Goal Update
Walk/run goal: 38.5 miles. That's better. Getting back to my normal workout routine helped me to feel better in May than I did in March and April, physically and emotionally.
Books: 5 books (The Night Watch, Sharp Objects, Daughter of the Loom, A Fragile Design, These Tangled Threads) The last three were a trilogy. I do tend to choose series over individual novels. I've always been that way. I also prefer series over movies. I like the story to keep going.
That brings my tallies to: 174.75 of 300 miles and 25 of 40 books. Hey, that's not too shabby! I'm well on my way to both goals, definitely past the halfway point for both of them. And the year isn't half over yet, so I am officially ahead of schedule! Go me!! And I've already done 10 miles and 2 books this month, so I'm off and running (well, mostly walking right now, but you know what I mean).
Stay tuned for my next post with pictures of my new home. Coming soon, I hope!