Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another new season

It's that time of year again. September. The return of the masses at work. The start of new and returning TV shows. New bible study at church. A new bible study soon for my home group. Practically the start of the holiday season. And soon the start of another year of my life. This is the big one, I guess. 30. It often seems like such a huge deal for people, and I'm sure when I was young 30 seemed really, really old. But now it just feels like another year. I've been looking forward to my 30s for some time now, actually. Sure, I don't have the things I thought I wanted by the time I got to 30 - a husband, a family, etc. But I do feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be. Maybe I don't have a husband, but I do have a family of my own making, the people close to me who are sometimes even better than family because I chose them. So I want to celebrate them.

To Millie: She calls us her angels, but she's our angel too and I'm thankful for the time we have with her.

To my roomie Paula: I know we both get cranky sometimes, but overall we have a lot of fun and still manage to have meaningful conversations every now and then. ;) May that continue in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead as we continue on this path God has laid out for us.

To Marco, who somehow manages to be a combination of the little brother I never had and the big brother I didn't get to grow up with, who makes me laugh even when he's bugging me. Who can lead us to God in worship one minute and crack me up with the dumbest joke ever the next. How do you do it?

To Alli, who is exactly 51 weeks younger than me, but always makes me feel like I'm hanging out with the cool older sister who has a lot of fun and makes me laugh, but also knows so much and shares that wisdom with me as well. Hanging with Alli is a growing experience for me, and I'm very thankful for that blessing.

To Selena and Cheryl, who I'm just starting to really get to know. I look forward to going deeper together in bible study. I already know you're super fun to hang out with. Now we'll get to know each other on another level.

To Mel. I don't really have words, just a feeling in my gut that God has put you in my life for a very good reason (as He does with everything) and that it is a blessing for both of us. I look forward to that.

To Raquel and Mo, even though I don't see you much anymore, I think about you often and pray that you are well. We need to hang out more.

To Moriah, who teaches me to look at myself with more love and less criticism. I struggle, but I think some of it is sinking in finally.

And last, but never least, to Jen. My longest friendship. My best friend since high school, my best friend always. We've had some great times. We've had some rough times. You've been there for me when I really needed someone to talk to about all the craziness (you still are!) and I hope I've been able to give you support too. There are miles between us, but we are close in spirit (and online :) ). Through everything I think we've both grown up, grown closer to God and closer to each other. In my life full of broken relationships, I have you to remind me that I can do it. For that I am most grateful of all.

I love you all! Happy new season. May it be one full of love and laughter and growth. I look forward to meeting and getting to know new people, and expanding my little, crazy, God-made (and Elizabeth-stirred) family.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

August Mileage Update

Look at me, back so soon. :) Now that I have my log, I can tell you that I did 27 miles in August. That's not too bad. My new mileage total is 257.25 of 300. Getting there! Gotta run, things to do and all that jazz. Ciao for now! xoxo

Friday, September 2, 2011

August Book Update

Hi all! I don't have my workout log with me right now, so I can only do a book update. I figure it's better than nothing, because I might forget to do both if I wait. I managed to get through five books this month! I'm impressed, considering how busy and tired I've been. Go me. What did I read? (Thank goodness for Goodreads and Shelfari, or I would never remember any of this!)

A very interesting book, if a little difficult for me to get through. I thought it was well written, but a little too defensive, I guess. Maybe it's just because the author isn't technically an historian, or because he wanted to reach a wider audience, so he felt the need to write in a way that was just a little too... something for my taste. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it kind of got on my nerves. Other than that I really enjoyed it and I learned quite a bit.

Honestly, I'm not sure I liked this book very much, but I can't really put my finger on why. The story was OK, I guess, but I had a really hard time getting into it and considered stopping through basically the entire book. I made it to the end, and I was glad when it was over. That's all I have to say about that.

This is the first book in a series, as I'm sure you can tell. I've said it before: I love a good series. I have read this book before, but it had been awhile so I reread it and I enjoyed it. I like the plot and the characters, though every now and then there are things that just make me roll my eyes. Overall, though, a good read for me.

I hadn't read this one before. I enjoyed it so much that I went out and bought the fourth book in the series (in hardback, gasp!), which I am currently reading, before I even got to the third book. Unlike Twilight, I actually like the heroine of these books because she doesn't seem as weak or stupid as Bella Swan. She's very headstrong and stubborn, and quite rash, though, which definitely gets her into trouble and irritates me sometimes, but overall not a terrible character.

Ah book 3! Finally wrapped up some threads that were beginning to irritate me. Things that I saw coming from the first book that I felt were being dragged out in a somewhat contrived manner (won't spoil what here, in case someone wants to read the books), though I've seen similar things done in much more annoying ways in other books and TV shows and movies, so whatever. But I did feel relieved and had to set the book down and say, "Finally!" when certain things were revealed. Phew. It felt like it took forever, but it really wasn't that bad. And I immediately began the fourth book when I finished this one, so obviously I enjoyed it. :D

So that brings my new total to 34 of 40. Almost there! I'll try to get my mileage update done soon, when I remember to have my log with me. Ta for now. xoxo

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