Friday, January 28, 2011

Goal Update

My first goal update! I know it's not quite the end of the month, but I'm updating anyway. So let me see how I'm doing so far.

In my original goal post (hee! goal post) my first set of goals were spiritual. I haven't really done much with those yet. I know I need to, but I'm not really there yet, I guess. I don't have a dedicated prayer time, other than when I go to bed, which is when I always have concentrated prayer time. I haven't been reading Scripture daily, except my Scripture-a-day calendar. I feel a little bad about that, but at least I'm getting something. Full tithing is still a goal I'm working toward. Church attendance has been so-so. I've been helping in the nursery, so I miss the sermons, but I'm fulfilling my service goal. I have been listening to KLOVE every day, except for the last week or so. I've been caught up in listening to some old CDs. I haven't even attempted journaling yet, and I don't look forward to it. Sigh. That one I just don't know about. The one I feel like I'm having the most success with is choosing forgiveness and grace every day. That I've really been focusing on, so that's one goal I've been working on.

The other area I wanted to work on was my health, in all areas. This is where I've put much of my attention over the past month. I am losing weight. Yay me! Slow and steady. I am more than on target to reach 300 miles by the end of the year. As of today I have done 34.5 miles - 10 miles over my goal for the month! Go me! The first few weeks I only managed 3 days of exercise per week, but this week I've done 4 so far, and I plan to have a good workout on Saturday. I am beginning to reincorporate my weight training. I did Turbo Sculpt last night for the first time in quite a while. It was tough and I'm super sore, but I feel great.

As for my diet goals: I have been doing my Shakeology (almost) every day. I've missed a couple of days in the month, but that's it. It really helps me stay on track all day. I've been working to make sure I get more fruits and veggies, and that's going well, as is the decreased sugar intake. My sugar craving is definitely declining the more I go without it. I'm also managing at least 7 hours of sleep every night (with maybe a couple of exceptions). I am very strict about going to bed at 10 because I know I feel better when I do that. I've kept Sundays as my day of rest, when I just relax and don't have to do anything. It really helps, especially after/before a super busy week. And I'm on track for my reading goal. So far this month I've read 7 books. Woo!

And that brings me to my financial goals. The main one here is to stick to my budget, which I've been doing very well this month, I think. I have a lot more money at the end of the month than usual, and it would be even more if I hadn't had an unexpectedly high medical expense. And I haven't charged anything on my credit card, which makes me very happy. I haven't gone to the library yet - that's still on my list, but I've been reading the books I already have. I did buy one book this week, but it was used and I only paid 3 dollars for it. So I'm forgiving myself for that. I think if I maintain this level of control and continue to stick to my budget, it is definitely possible to reach $10K in savings by the end of the year. Maybe even sooner. Yay!

That's where I am right now.

Walk/run goal: 34.5 of 300
Reading goal: 7 of 40

This year is going very well so far. Talk to y'all soon. xoxo


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