I can't find a video for this, so go here to listen to "This Is Always," my current go-to soother.
I got to spend all weekend with my family, which was fun. But it left me exhausted. I was out of the house all Saturday and all Sunday, except for when I was asleep, which wasn't very long either night. That makes me sad. But I did manage to look at a place (didn't work out, but oh well) and get my grocery shopping done and still get home at a decent time Sunday night to get ready for work the next day. Which I promptly skipped when I woke up Monday morning with day three of the headache I'd been battling all weekend. Sigh. (One good thing about staying home, though, was that I finally got around to watching the last Harry Potter movie. Oh the tears! So, so good.) So that's the kind of week I've been having. Saturday was the worst of the headache, thank goodness. But yesterday I had the weirdest onset of nausea and then I worried for about two seconds that I might be getting that flu thing going around, until I decided I would not be getting that and moved on. It was a struggle to eat (and keep it down, but I won't go into details. Ew!) last night, even more than last Wednesday when I had a monster migraine, but I managed to force down some soup and some oranges. They didn't entirely agree with me or fill me up, but it was all I could contemplate eating without feeling really sick. So now it is Wednesday and the week is half over. My head has a sharp ache but nothing super unmanageable. I'm tired. I'm slightly stressed about finding a place but not overly concerned. My stomach is all kinds of messed up right now for whatever reason. This is when I turn to my music to calm me down. The last few days I've been listening to Jane Monheit almost nonstop in my car; here are a few of my favorites.
And finally, since they don't have many songs from Home on YouTube, here is a little behind the scenes video that has clips from some of the songs, including my favorite from the CD, I'll Be Around (click that link to listen to the song on Grooveshark).
I know that's a lot, but I just love her voice. I remember when I first listened to one of her CDs (In the Sun - 2002), which I received as a gift, I was somewhat unsure how I felt about it. She has a voice that some love and some really, really don't. Though I was a bit unsure, I did get her next CD (Taking a Chance on Love - 2004) and really liked it. I then went on to collect her two previous CDs and all subsequent releases. The more I heard, the more she grew on me. She conveys so much emotion with her voice, which is something I've never been able to resist. I have a deep love for symmetry and harmony, but I also like asymmetry and dissonance. The emotion is what makes both work for me, so that is what I follow. It's what makes me love her so much. That, and that she's very talented and passionate about what she does. She's now one of the artists whose releases I will faithfully buy without hearing a single song first.
Stay tuned because I'm working on something inspired by this post on Holly Would If She Could - an awesome blog I've recently discovered. Loving it! xoxo
You are facing so much (physical discomfort and the stress of finding a new place, to name a couple), and yet you are gracefully quiet and calm through it all. Plus, you find a way to stay grateful amid the stress; you enjoy the little things like your favorite songs and books. You're an inspiration from whom we could all learn a lot! And you're one of the courageous women I'm honoring this Purim!
You are facing so much (physical discomfort and the stress of finding a new place, to name a couple), and yet you are gracefully quiet and calm through it all. Plus, you find a way to stay grateful amid the stress; you enjoy the little things like your favorite songs and books. You're an inspiration from whom we could all learn a lot! And you're one of the courageous women I'm honoring this Purim!