Monday, October 10, 2011

September Update

This is a little late. I was in bed all last week with a nasty cold thing. Ugh. But I'm up and around again and hoping not to get sick again this season. So here are my updates.

Mileage: 20.5 miles, a little under my monthly goal. My new total is 277.75 of 300. I'm on track to reach my goal. If I make my monthly goal in October I will actually pass my goal before November gets here. Here's hoping. :)

Books: I read two books this month, so my new total is 36 of 40. On track here, too, and might possibly reach my goal before November. We'll see how the month goes.

Good next book in the series. Sets up the next book, so there's an annoying cliffhanger-y ending, but whatever. Overall, mostly enjoyable, though I do get irritated with the whole lack of communication in relationships thing that so many young adult books seem to use.

I love all of her books because I enjoy her writing style and sense of humor, and I appreciate how she can make things funny and deep and thought-provoking without falling into a bunch of cliches or getting all sappy. It's so refreshing. I recommend her to everyone. And you should also check out her blog, which has been awesome forever, and I'm sure will continue to be so for as long as it exists. It's over on the right in my list of blogs, or you can just click here.

I'm still not 100% yet, so I don't have much energy to think or write more now, so that's it for this time. Bye for now! xoxo

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