Friday, April 20, 2012

Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

I know it's not actually summer yet, but it's getting really warm. Plus! It smells warm. The semester is winding down. I'm in the middle of hiring grad students for the summer sessions. I've started a new workout regime/plan/8 week thing; added it to the line-up, anyway. (More details on that soon, as well as a project I teased ages ago. Yeah, I remember it, I just haven't gotten to it yet. Sigh.) All of those things point to summer being swiftly approaching.

I feel a sense of freedom and lightness that I associate with the middle of the year. Let's be clear here: I am in no way a fan of summer in relation to the weather. I do not like heat, as I'm sure I have mentioned before, probably more than once. Anything above the upper 70s and I start to get really cranky. (Fun fact about me: I run, on average, about 1 degree higher than normal human oral temperature. So whereas the average oral temperature is 98.6F, my temperature hovers around 99.6-8F. Interestingly enough, I discovered around age 13 that my oral temp started going down when I got sick, and it has remained that way. I've gotten as low as the 95F range. I don't know why or how that works, but whatever. At least I can tell when something is wrong.)

So anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, not a fan of the heat. But I have a lot of fantastic associations with summer, and there's just something about it that renews my spirit. I feel more capable of meeting my goals; the days feel less heavy and full of more possibilities. If you ask me, I will always say I'm a winter kind of girl, but summer does have its good parts. :)

So! Since I'm in that lazy hazy part of the summer feeling, and it's Friday and I can't wait to go home and start a weekend I'm dedicating to being a homebody, I am going to do Five Question Friday for today from this wonderful blog (love the url). So let's get to it!

1. Groceries are high right now. What is the easiest way you have found to cut back? 

 Well, luckily it's just me, so I don't have to buy a ton of groceries. I do sometimes get carried away, especially when I get lured in by new GF products. However! If I stick to my list and stick mostly to the perimeter of the store, I don't have much trouble sticking to about $50 per week. Every now and then I splurge a bit, but it usually evens out. I do give myself a little leeway when I need to stock up on important items. About 97% of the time I stick very closely to my list and my budget. And shop sales, and coupons if I remember them!

2. What are the top 3 things on your "bucket list"? 

I totally don't have one and I'm not really into making one. I find it important for me to focus on where I am now. My main goal is to be healthy, which means I should have plenty of time to make a bucket list later! ;)

3. Would you rather give up AC or heat?

I refer you back to the beginning of this post. I will give up heat in a heartbeat. In fact, I rarely use it. I set the thermostat pretty low. And I have a fireplace in my new place, hidden by my couch. So, yeah.

4. What's your favorite cocktail?

My favorite thing to drink, period, is water. I don't drink alcohol, but I love me some water. It's pretty much the only thing I drink, aside from tea and milk sometimes when I have cereal. Oh and coffee on weekday mornings.

5. What was your first job and how old were you? 

I was probably 15 or 16 when I started working (under the table. shhh! don't tell) at a dry cleaner and a music store, both part time in the summer to earn money. My first legit job was in a bookstore when I was in college. I think I was 18. Possibly 19. I loooooved my discount. Working retail, though? Never, ever, ever again. God willing. But I do have some interesting memories from that place.

Ok lovelies, that's it for me today. I hope everyone has an ab fab weekend. Get some rest, have some fun, do what you wanna do, go where you wanna go. I will catch y'all later. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to this post! There is surely a certain non-weather-related refreshing feeling about summer's onset. (I'm especially excited about the quieter front at work.) And I'm with you about the bucket list; I mean, I'm happy for people who have one, but for me, I feel like the idea implies that life/gratitude starts *someday*, not now. And there is much more in your post I say "totes" to.
    Most of all it makes me happy to hear the upliftedness in your voice. I'm so glad you have your own place again, and how awesome is it that you have a fireplace? And air conditioning for that matter?


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