I was on my computer last night and I got bored and decided to set up a blog. If you read the first post, you know this already. But my friend couldn't seem to get to it, so I created another here on blogspot. So then I had two. And I thought, OK, I'll just see which one I like better. Now it's the next day and I'm not as tired and bored as I was last night. This me, the one who is far more rational, realizes that two blogs of the same thing is repetitive in a way I don't like. So I have changed the original blog into a blog about my food adventures and I will keep this one as I originally intended. So yeah. I now have two blogs. Who am I, and what have I done with myself? I don't know how I end up in these situations. But hey, at least I'm updating my blog!
Anyway, if you want to follow my food adventures (such as they may be), they can be found over on my tumblr blog. I will keep this one for my general life stuff. I feel incredibly accomplished now, without actually having done much of anything.
I LOVE it! Great idea! I've thought about doing a food blog but I've never gotten around to it. I figure that's something I'll have to do when my kids are all in school... that is if it's still cool and stuff by then. :D