Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why fall makes me happy

I am so happy that two day heat wave is over. I know it could have been so much worse, and summer aside from that was quite lovely, but I do NOT do well in the heat. And Tuesday was relentless. I work in a place that stays pretty cool most of the time so most of the buildings don't have air conditioning. So when something like that happens it feels terrible because there is nowhere to escape the heat. Eight hours of that and I was about ready to injure people. I was not a happy camper. Now it is back to normal and I am so happy. I'm not one of those people who seems to complain no matter what the weather is. I like it cool to cold and I am not shy about saying so. Anything above lukewarm is just too hot for me. I like fall, I like winter, I like rain. I really need to move to a colder state.

Horrifying late August heat aside, we are now heading into my favorite time of year (despite the fact that it is also the time when the students return to campus). You know what I'm talking about don't you? That's right! The new TV season is about to start. I have my chart all set up. It has all my shows, color coded by channel, categorized by whether they are definites or in a probationary period, and all labeled with their start dates. OK, so maybe I'm a little crazy, but I like to be organized about this. Otherwise there would be complete chaos and I just don't have time for that. Since I'm being all open about myself, I will let you see my current chart.

So let's discuss what I'm excited about (aside from the fact that I just turned a spreadsheet into a jpeg and uploaded it. I rock!). Number one, of course, is Glee. The first season DVDs are released September 14 and I will be preordering from Amazon so they come as quickly as possible. The show comes back September 21 and that's my birthday week, so I think of it as a present just for me. Glee just makes me happy. I'm not going to pretend it's all deep and stuff. It's just fun, and I love the music. As you can see from the key at the bottom, all the shows in bold are my definites. They have gone through the harrowing probationary period and have earned a permanent place on my chart. Which does not mean they will always be there. Just two years ago Gossip Girl was in bold, but last year it went all funky and I stopped watching pretty quickly. I considered keeping it on the schedule back in probation, but found that I just didn't care anymore - even though Kristen Bell is the voice of Gossip Girl and that's pretty much guaranteed to trigger my still strong love for Veronica Mars. Plus I can always get the DVDs on Netflix if I decide I want to watch. The award for longest definite currently on my schedule goes to The Office. I'm not as excited about it as I used to be, but I am still loyal. I make no guarantees for next year, though (if there is one), because I just don't know what it would be without Steve Carell. (Jim, you know I love you, but where would you all be without Michael Scott?)

I'm very excited for Vampire Diaries and Community to come back on. Both are tied with Glee for newest definites, though it took them longer to earn their slots than it did Glee, which I had on my schedule after the preview that was shown the previous spring. I'm interested to see where they will take Vampire Diaries in its second year. They veered so far from the books in the first season that I have no clue what might happen, and I'm really enjoying it. They have no problem killing off characters, so that's entertaining. And I think it's really well done aside from a few episodes toward the beginning when Elena was all I love you Stefan, but I need my space, I can't be with you, I just need time, but I LOVE YOU! - which was waaaaaaaaaay too close to all that Dawson's Creek Joey/Dawson soul mate crap for me. I had to live through that once already, Kevin Williamson, and I blame you entirely. Do not make me go through that again! Thank you very much. Ahem. Moving on. Community is just awesome and makes me laugh every week. Enough said.

OK I feel like I'm just going on and on, but there are only a few more.
Chuck: fun comedy/spy/action show. Always good. Plus Adam Baldwin, which is what got me to watch it in the first place. And Short Skirt, Long Jacket by Cake? Awesomely perfect theme song. 
How I Met Your Mother: Why do I love this show? What made it a definite for me? Three words: Neil Patrick Harris. 
Biggest Loser: My only reality show other than SYTYCD. It inspires me and pushes me to do more in my workouts. I like that. 
Bones: Like Glee, this show is just pure enjoyment for me. It's fun to watch. And David Boreanaz is in it. He's so naturally good at being goofy. As a Buffy fan who preferred Angelus to Angel because Angel was such a broody downer, I enjoy seeing David play a character who has fun and a sense of humor without being all, you know, evil. 
Supernatural: This one only takes two words: Jensen Ackles. Yum. Sometimes I'm shallow.

All the others are new shows that I am willing to give a shot, but I have very little patience these days. If something doesn't grab me quickly, I just don't have the time to keep up with it. So that is the story of why I like fall. I don't have anything more in depth to say about it now, but rest assured that once they start and something I really like or hate happens, I will probably be back here ranting and analyzing it. That's just how I roll.


  1. You should totally watch Castle! It's on ABC and it has the main character from Firefly/Serenity on it. And I hear he appeared on Buffy once. It's such a funny show! I have the first two seasons on my computer if you need to catch up on what's going on so you can watch Season three starting on September 20. Totally worth becoming a definite!

  2. I have heard really good things about Castle and I adore Nathan Fillion, I really do. But I just can't seem to find the energy to keep up with shows at 10. The ones tentatively on my schedule now are going to be a challenge for me, and I can only watch so much online. I just have too much to keep up with. It's hard to believe I used to watch so much more TV than this. How did I do it? I might netflix the DVDs some summer, though. That would be fun.

  3. That is the only catch... I hate shows at 10. But I don't watch much online (make that nothing) so I can watch Castle online later. You should totally Netflix it during the summer. You'd probably finish it in only a few weeks... we did! We couldn't help watching the a few eps a night and finished the first and second seasons in short order. The only bummer about that is now we are DYING for the new season to start so we can find out what happens!


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