This is the fewest number of shows I've watched in I don't even remember how long. It's a whole new world for me. Biggest Loser and Supernatural are gone from my spring schedule. A year ago, I don't think it would have even occurred to me to remove a show I've watched for as long as I've watched Supernatural. But things, they are a-changing.
I used to fear the changes God was making in me in this area. I didn't want to give up the shows I love; I didn't want to surrender things I felt so attached to. It terrified me. I was obedient up to a point. I would pray for change but ask to keep certain things - I didn't want to go all the way. Even then, He helped me along, helped me to let go a little bit at a time, but I was resistant to it so it wasn't what it could be. I can't put my finger on when exactly I changed enough to want to change, but now I welcome it (in this area, anyway.) I've slowly been inching my way along this path, afraid to end up in a place where I don't know who I am anymore. Lately, though, I've started praying fervently for change.
The first time I asked Him to remove anything that was before Him in my heart, I did it full of fear and reluctance. But every time that I ask, I feel stronger in my resolve, more secure in who I am in Him and more ready to let go of the things weighing me down. And things are starting to shift. I think it started with Glee. You may remember how much I adored this show last year. It quickly became my favorite show, but like many things that come on suddenly, it began to fade just as quickly. I don't know if it's the show or if it's me - probably a combination (I know I'm not the only one wondering where the plot went this season), but I just don't care like I did. I still watch it, but I've lost the need to see it right away. I usually tape it now and watch it several days later. It's still cute and the songs are still fun, but the need is gone.
Then Supernatural. Poor show. I watched it faithfully, but I just don't care enough anymore to tape and watch it every week, or to keep up with it online. That's what Netflix is good for, anyway. Then I just couldn't tolerate the manufactured drama of Biggest Loser. I tried to stick it out for Jillian's last season, but I couldn't take it anymore, and I don't miss it at all. I'm not a fan of the reality genre anyway, so that one was easier to let go. What's more, I find myself pondering what will go next and when. Not if - it's definitely when. It's probably going to be Chuck, which I've started to find quite repetitive. After that, I could see giving up Bones, maybe The Office after Steve Carrell leaves, and perhaps, at some point, Glee. And inside, there's a strong part of me that is excited about not having so much of my time taken up with these commitments. I feel relieved at the prospect of having more time of my own to focus on the things I love and the people I enjoy spending time with. And the shows that I truly enjoy watching every week. Like Vampire Diaries, which is just a fabulously good time every single week! But that's a story for another time.
I've been feeling that way too... only about FB and other online, computer stuff. I wanted to give it up but didn't. And now I've given up FB. Not even very sad about it. I feel so free! I even started giving up my desire to not diet or record food or count calories or whatever. I just wanted to try to eat healthy. But it wasn't working on my own and now I'm doing Weight Watchers.... exactly what I NEVER wanted to do. But I am. And it's not so bad. Plus I've lost 8 lbs in the last 3 weeks!! Go me! I too am on this journey of giving up things (namely MY will) and trying to let Him guide me and my life and the life of my little family. I did it before... just to a point. Now I'm trying to do it all the way. I'm really proud of what I've been doing and how I've been changing. And I'm proud of you too! You are doing great! It's kind of cool to be going through similar spiritual journeys at the same time. xoxo <3
ReplyDeleteYeah, a little bit here and a little bit there, that's me! I've actually been spending very little time on facebook since you left it. I started playing Oregon Trail briefly and then realized that I was spending all this time just staring at a screen doing nothing. It was such a waste of time! I mean, I'm in front of my computer at work all day, but still. There has to be something more productive for me to do, right? I've been focusing on eating healthy and get a good workout more than losing weight. It makes me feel much better physically and mentally, and helps me not be so hard on myself. Go you! I've lost weight too, but I value the feeling of accomplishment and how strong I feel even more. Which is a major victory for me. :) I'm proud of you too! And me! Go us!! It is pretty cool to have a parallel journey; we can encourage and support one another. Love you! xoxo